Friday, March 11, 2011

Thomas Hunt Morgan

Thomas was born on September 25,1866 at Lexington,Kentucky in the Unites States. He went to study at the University of Kentucky, and later studied morphology at John's Hopkins University. Thomas Hunt Morgan was awarded the noble peace prize for his discoveries concerning the role played by the chromosomes in heredity.

He had a fly room in Colombian University. Thomas experimented with male and female flies. Both the female and male flies were placed into the jar to mate. When the white eyed flies mates with the red eyed flies, they created red eyed offspring. Morgans first papers demonstrated that the sex was linked by the genes for the white eyed flies.With this fly room he concluded that genes are carried on chromosomes and are the mechanical basics of hereditary.

George Wells beadle and Hermahn Joesph Muller won the Nobel peace prize as students of Thomas Hunt Morgan. Morgans constributions of study helped Mendel's ideas of heredity. Morgan made other contributions to experimental embryology and to regeneration. In embryology, Morgans discoveries demonstrated that gravity is not important to the development to the egg as Roux suggested.


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