Friday, March 11, 2011

Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey

Martha Chase was born on 1927 in Clevelend, Ohio. Chase's career was an american geneticis. She attended the college of Wooster where she recieved her bachelors degree in 1950. She also attended the University of Southern Carolina where she recieved her PhD. Alfred Hershey was born on December 4,1908 in Owosso Michigan. He attended Michigan State College where he recieved his BS and his PhD. He was hired as the director of the genetics research unit in Cold spring harbor, New York.

Biologists thought that proteins are carried there information through inheritance since 1869. Chase and Hershey created there experiments on a virus known as "T2 phage". This virus infects baceterium by connecting its outer membrane and injecting its genetic material and leaving the empty shell on the bacterium. First they allowed the virous to infect E.Coli (in this experiment they observed that there was a transfer of P32 labeled virous its DNA was in the cytoplasm of the bacterium. in there second experiment they conducted they labeled the virous with radioactive Sulfur-35. After the seperation the radioactive S35 tracer was in the protein shells, but not in the infected bacteria. This in conclusion they found that the genetic material that infected the bacteria was DNA not protein. Chase and Hershey recieved the Nobel peace prize for their ''discovers concerning the genetic structure of virouses.''

Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey's findings that DNA is genetic material contributes to the better understand of virouses. With having a better understanding of virouses helped other scientests to develop vaccines against diseases such as polio.With there new information about DNA; Chase and Hershey creates ther blender experiment. A year after there blender experiment James Dewey Watson and Francis Harry Compton Crik deterimined that DNa is in a double helix type structure.


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